Monday, December 14, 2009

Peace in the Sorrow
As we walked through the last week, our tears fell all along the way. And yet, we lift up our hearts and are glad that at Christmas we remember the true and living birth of that one baby boy whose great work and glory it is to bring Mariah and even all of us into eternity together. Families are forever. Sweet Mariah, hugs and kisses to you and your angel friends.


  1. Love you Amber. Thank you for all your support and help to us during this time. You have done so much for everyone. You were there when we couldn't be. You always have been such an amazing Auntie!

  2. Dearest Amber. You have been the most incredible sister/daughter/friend to us all through this horrible week. You have held an entire extended family of 31+ together across the entire spread of the United States. You have done it with grace, tenderness, strength, and unforgettable love that will speak throughout the eternities. Precious Mariah is gone from us now, but I know we all will see her again and know and love her. You kept us involved in a very trying time for yourself. You displayed all the traits the Savior Himself would wish to see done. There are no words........take care of you for a while, now. I love you so.

  3. Amber, I can't put into words just how much your actions and feelings of the last week mean to me. You've been remarkable, and I wish there was some way to let you know how I appreciate you. Thanks for including us-for letting us help from so far away.

    Thank you for doing what we couldn't-and for sharing it all with us. Love you.

  4. I still don't have words for any of this so... I just won't try to say any. except that I love you. Lots.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your family's loss. Thank goodness for the knowledge that families are eternal.
