Monday, March 22, 2010

Do you know this kid?

If not, it's probably because you haven't read his journal:
It's Greg Heffley, the "author" of this New York Times best-selling graphic novel detailing the life of an undersized misfit's foray into middle school with "a bunch of morons". All 4 books in the series are extremely popular with elementary school boys, especially those with older brothers who are actually in middle school so they get the jokes (most of them anyway). It's sort of a modern cross between The Wonder Years and The Simpsons and it was just made into a movie...perfect party to celebrate Reilly's 8th birthday (a little late) and Owen's 10th birthday (a little early).
They had a blast with their friends, watching the movie premiere last Friday, visiting Maggie Moos for ice cream cake, pigging out on pizza and playing capture the flag until dark. As Greg's best friend Rowley Jefferson would say, "It was more fun than a loded diper!"
I am cooler than Greg Heffley's mother though and not only did I put up with all that, I also made awesome party favors: theater-sized candy boxes and Wimpy Kid key chains in reusable popcorn tubs! As Rowley would say, "Zoo-Wee-Mama!" (You gotta read these books!) Happy Birthday Reilly and Owen!


  1. Your creativity always amazes me...and I'll admit, makes me a bit jealous too. I haven't read the books (yet), but based on everything you did for this party, you are most DEFINITELY cooler than the mom in the story. Thanks for posting! I love keeping up this way.

  2. What a great birthday celebration! Love the goody bags! And Reilly looks just like Graeme in that cake picture!!

  3. Another fabulous celebration! HOpe to keep it going over the weekend!

  4. My daughter has started those books, but prefers the girl equivalent of them: "The Dork Diaries."

    Love the party bags! Your rock!

  5. Oh we know him! And we love the boys in those cute pictures!!!! Happy Birthday to some definitely NON-wimpy boys. Love you!

  6. Gosh, you guys!!!!! I hope you realize what an incredible Mom you have! And, I'm with Rachael, Amber, your creativity is so much fun!!! Now I know why I didn't get any from Granny - it skipped me and went to you!!!!!!!!! What a fun time. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo

  7. From now on if I need party ideas... you are my girl! You could start your own "party" blog and it would be popular. You are too talented! Happy Birthday Reilly(late) and Owen(early). We love you guys!

  8. Awesome! Happy birthday, boys!
