Thursday, November 26, 2009

We are the Champions
Reilly's soccer team had an undefeated season and won the club tournament in a shootout with Reilly scoring a goal and ending the game as star keeper to finish out their clinic careers. Peter and Reilly have been playing with the same group of kids since they were three years old and this was a great way to cap all the fun they've had together on the pitch. We took a moment to remember all the ups and downs of the last four years, including the two seasons Reilly spent more or less cheering from the sidelines with his broken leg and then learning to walk and finally run again and thinking back on some of the crazy team names and jersey colors they've had: Red Race Cars, Orange Tigers, Blue Whales, Turquoise Tie-Dye Surf, Lime Green Lizards, and finally the Red Raptors. It didn't matter what color they were, they pretty much dominated the other teams every season (think of Peter as Will Farrell in Kicking and Screaming and Reilly and teammate Henry as the ITALIANS) and are now ready to move on to competitive county soccer. You're one of the big boys now, Reilly. Way to go.

Soccer is a BIG Dad and Reilly thing and I didn't really do much, but I came up with a great cake for the team party, right?